Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Last fall I was hiking through East Tennessee and was amazed by the beauty and splendor of God's creation. Autumn would soon turn to winter, the leaves would be scattered and the vibrant reds, oranges and yellows would turn to brown and gray. While hiking around Indian Mound Lake a few wildflowers remained, peeking through the undergrowth painting the palette of the earth with the remnant of summer.

Earlier this evening I was on my way to teach a Bible class at the local coffeeshop. The mood was subdued, and the usual warmth and laughter seemed cloaked in clouds of concern; but just as the first freeze of winter couldn't extinguish the wildflowers pressing through the earth, a few wildflowers were planted along my path today.

In the moments before our study began a friend shared some kind words that were spoken on my behalf. It is always humbling, yet gratifying to hear the encouraging words of others. The last few weeks have been busy and full (rushed and stressful at times), but God allowed a few wildflowers to spring up along the way.

I am not sure who coined the phrase, "stop and smell the roses," but it's worth repeating. In the last few minutes before class I sat sipping my coffee, thankful that God brings friends into our lives to sow seeds of encouragement, so wildflowers can bloom in the winters of our discontent.

1 comment:

Dale's Spot said...

Trent - thanks so much for you creative style, the generious giving of your talents to others for God and His Work and your likemindedness...I appreciate your friendship.
