Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tough Love

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog about the God of second chances. It is comforting to know that God longs for the prodigals return and embraces the humble in His protective care. Sadly, there is a side to many who abuse God's grace and mercy. They anchor in His safe harbor when the storms of life are raging, but forget his goodness and mercy when the seas are calm and the sun fills the sky.

Jesus had to cope with these same people in his time. There were those who followed him only for the loaves and fishes and others who responded to His healing and restoration with an ungrateful heart. James refers to this individual as "a double minded man who is unstable in all his ways" or a man "who beholds his face in a mirror and then forgets what manner of man he is" (James 1:8; 23-24).

There have been times in my life that God has brought me to my knees as a reminder that He is Soveriegn and Lord, whether I acknowledge that or not. Those were always unpleasant and stressful times, but the result was a greater dependence upon God and a better understanding of his divine will in my life.

There are times I offer intercessory prayers on behalf of others, I typically ask God to heal them, bless them, or give them strength in difficult times. Rarely have I prayed, "Lord, bring them to their knees so they will know you are God and that your dominion is everlasting." Maybe I just need to ask God to heal them with a little tough love!

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