Thursday, October 18, 2007

Simple Pleasures

Last night I was talking with a friend and reminded about just how special the simple pleasures of life can be. I remember while preaching in a small town in Florida how much slower the pace of life was back then. On Monday mornings I would walk the 5 or 6 blocks to the local post office to get my mail. There was an older gentleman in the church who lived across the street from the post office so I would usually stop and have a cup of coffee with him.

The really significant achievements of my life are not commemorated on the walls of my office. The awards and achievements that cost so much of my time and energy don't compare with the rich rewards I have recieved in other areas. Sitting in the stands the night my son out dueled the #1 goalie in the region in double overtime, or rejoicing with my daughter through her amazing academic transformation this year hold a much more important place in my memory. Mission trips to Central America, helping a friend through a tough night, a picnic lunch on the banks of the Mississippi, or listening to the stories of an Octogenarian as he shares the memories of his youth - these are real pleasures in life.

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