Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Morning Already?

So the alarm goes off at 5:00 am and the coffee hasn't started to brew. I glance that clock, slide over the side of the bed and mumble those words we all share in common, "Is it morning already?"

Each day is a little different, but I realize that how we face the day depends to a large degree on our attitude as we roll out of bed. Today, I am feeling just a little overwhelmed by all that needs to get done, so there is that underlying tension that comes from such a burden. On other days however, I wake before the alarm goes off eager and ready to start the day. It may be the result of a road trip I have scheduled, or a tennis match that I have been eagerly awaiting. The result is the same, because I look forward to those events, I can't wait for morning to arrive.

What a difference it would make if we simply woke up with a zeal and enthusiasm for each and every day. Imagine how our productivity might improve if we attacked each task with a fire in our belly and a desire to turn the mundane into an epic adventure.

So how do you plan to start your day? "Is it morning already", or "this is the day that he Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."

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