Sunday, September 30, 2007

Let Go, Let God

I have never been a big follower of the trendy fads that follow the religious community. I understand the good that can come from getting people to stop and think, "What would Jesus Do?" (WWJD). I guess it is the commercialization, or the tendency to repeat things without thinking deeply that bothers me.

Sometimes when someone was struggling with certain challenges, or troubles they just couldn't turn loose, I would hear someone say, "Just let go and let God do His thing." I would cringe and think how trite that sounded in the midst of wading through the mire that can overtake our lives.

As I have pondered recent changes in my own life it has become obvious to me that there is some truth in that saying. I left "formal ministry" nearly 8 years ago, but somehow God always found a way to call me back. Whether it was working for a Christian based ministry, or teaching in the Bible school program, I never strayed too far from my roots. Over the past couple of years I have learned that ministry is where my heart is and I believe that is where God can best use me. That realization has forced me to let go of some of my selfish desires.

I really don't know what all that looks like in the future, but through victory and adversity, through trials and success, God has been good to me. He continues to remind me that there is a lot of wisdom in letting go of my own selfish pursuits and seeking a life devoted to him.

Let Go and Let God! I stand corrected - that is very good advice.

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