Thursday, February 7, 2008

You Never Know

I still recall sitting down at the Starbucks near Wolfchase Mall in Memphis waiting to see if she was as pretty, smart and well-balanced as her online profile indicated. A lot of people are self-conscious about admitting they met through a "dating site," but there are a few advantages: 1) You get to see a picture and read how they describe themselves; 2) You can email and talk for a while before going through that initial face to face meeting; 3) If you are smart, you learn to look for "red flags" that might save you a lot of time and energy down the road.

I learned a lot about myself and about the life that I wanted during my five years of bachelor life. Mostly, I realized how important it was to find someone who shared my values for God, family and the church. The work that I wanted to do and the life that I longed to live all centered around my church family, my Christian service and my desire to raise my children in a godly environment.

It is interesting how God works in our life. We can spend so much time planning and preparing for how we want things to be we forget to include God in the equation. Let me give you a few examples of how God overruled my own lack of understanding.

1. I was never an advocate of long distance relationships, but what a blessing 3 hours of separation has been. We talk together, pray together and have really gotten to know one another. Physical attractions is great - but communication is essential.

2. I thought I was through raising children, but Debbie has two wonderful girls and it has allowed me to see her love, concern and care for those she loves. It has allowed me a deeper look into her heart.

3. I doubted whether I would ever serve in a ministerial capacity in the church again, but her love for God and desire to serve opens so many opportunities for both of us in the years to come.

Oh, and for those of you who are wondering; she grows more lovely every day, she is smarter than those folks who stay at a Holiday Inn Express, and balanced isn't strong enough word to communicate her approach to life, struggles and goals for the future. All of those things have caused me to grow more and more in my love for Debbie Baker, but her heart for God is the one attribute that sent me over the edge.

So next time you sit down for a Caramel Macchiato just remember - "you never know what God might have in store for you."

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