Thursday, February 28, 2008


For years I was a political junkie and who knows, by the time the election rolls around I may be again. I hate to think that my vote may be more a vote of opposition than support, but that very well could be the case. There aren't many of the candidates left that really excite me, but there certainly are a few who give me more than a little bit of concern.

The attack on the Christian foundations of our nation, movements towards socialized medicine, the erosion of our constitutional rights to bear arms and free speech all concern me. Thomas Jefferson once said, "I fear for my nation when I realize that God is just." Pretty insightful for a man who has been tagged as a Deist.

The threat of radical Islam concerns me, the government's micro-management of every aspect of our lives and even our thoughts is of even great concern, but the real danger facing America is the continued drift away from the moral and spiritual principals found in God's word. David told us, "Rigtheous exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people."

So come November what will be the deciding factor in casting your vote? Will it be the economy, the war in Iraq, securing our borders, or will something deeper and more significant influence your choice of political candidates?

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