Thursday, November 15, 2007

Love One Another

I will never forget driving up to the church one evening and William (not his real name), was sitting on the steps just waiting for someone to show up and let him in. Will grew up in the worst kind of social squaller. He was the product of a broken home and his mother would bring men into the house and engage in behavior that no child should ever have to see.

One day members of the local church were canvassing the neighborhood and signed Will up to ride the "Joy Bus." It was the day that changed his life forever. He only lived a few blocks away, so he rarely waited for the bus to show up at his house. More often than not he was at the church ready to ride along and help out where he could. He attended every service, never missed a youth event, and pretty soon was leading prayers and giving short Bible talks.

I left for college and often wondered what happend to Will, at least until that cool December morning in Plymouth, MI. I remember a tall strapping young man in uniform walked in with his wife at his side and small child in tow. Will was serving with distinction in the U.S. Army, had married a Christian girl and was active in the local church.

How does a young man from such a troubled background grow to become a pillar in the local church? It was the result of a loving family. No, not his biological family, but his spiritual family. I have often subscribed to the belief that we can make a lot of mistakes in life, as long as we love one another, for "love covers a multitude of sin."

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