Thursday, September 27, 2007

Waiting on God

I was never a very patient person - so waiting on God is always a challenge for me. It is especially difficult when the answer seems so obvious to me. "Alright Lord, I need one more account to meet my budget this month, wrapping that up by Friday would be great." Wouldn't it be nice if it worked that way.

Last night I was reminded of how many people out there are waiting on God to answer their prayer for a Christian partner. I was asked during our prayer service to pray for all those who are lonely and seeking a Christian mate. An interesting paradox isn't it: wait on the Lord, or seek a mate? I believe the old proverb, "God helps those who help themselves." It is the law of sowing and reaping. If we want a harvest, we have to sow some seed.

I know a lot of singles who are sitting at home, waiting for God to FEDEX their knight in shining armor. I tried a search on E-bay, but she wasn't their either. Loneliness is a terrible thing because it can debilitate people. Their negativity becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. They never find the love of their life, because of apathy and inactivity.

This may sound a little harsh, but if you are lonely, get off the couch - throw on a little make-up and visit a singles class at church, or volunteer at a local charity, maybe even get back to working out at the YMCA occasionally. Guys, you need to shave, put on a clean shirt, brush your teeth and put on a little deoderant.

Since we are all waiting on God to bring us that special someone, we might as well use that time to prepare ourselves for the next great thing He pours into our lives. A wise man once said, "Success is where opportunity meets preparation." You take the time to get prepared and an opportunity will present itself.


Anonymous said...

great article. i had just posted something of the same theory on the churchofchristsingles website. we wait and wait for God to answer our prayers about finding someone to confide in when we could be up and being proactive. that does not mean that we pray to God and then we figure that we can answer the prayer ourselves but god does help those who help themselves. he has given us our personalities and such to use for his glory and to find a potential soul mate. keep up the good work

Matthew said...

I enjoyed your thoughts