Monday, July 9, 2007

Encouraging Words

As part of my ongoing work with singles I find myself involved in a lot areas. Whether it is blogging, teaching a singles class, posting messages on bulletin boards, or subscribing to list- serves, there are some common threads with everyone I meet.

One area that has become abundantly clear to me over the past few weeks is that everyone wants to hear encouraging words - even those who don't often give them. The wise man of old says, "A kind word turns away wrath."

I am afraid that sometimes we forgot how powerful our words can be. Through words Hitler convinced a nation to commit the most deplorable attrocities and through words Churchill lifted a nation from its knees and taught them to never surrender.

We often marvel at the grand gestures of those who are helping combat world hunger, or fighting the AIDS virus, or putting political pressure on places like Darfur. What we forget is that each and everyday we too can make a difference. A few words of encouragement, a pat on the back or offering a little hope when someone is discouraged can change life forever.

Take an opportunity today to speak some encouraging words to those who are longing to hear them.

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