Thursday, December 27, 2007


Did you know that at the start of each new year there is a dramatic increase in gym memberships, the purchase of dietary aides and enrollment in financial planning courses. This phenomenon is driven by our tradition of making New Year's Resolutions. This year I am going to lose those 10 lbs., or quit smoking, or start a savings program.

New Year's Resolutions can be a blessing to our life, if for no other reason than it causes us to reflect on areas that need improvement. Few of us succeed in meeting all of our goals for the new year, but we shouldn't get discouraged. If you are starting to consider some changes you want to make for 2008, here are a few suggestions designed to help.

1. Pray daily about your goals. "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above..." (James 1:17). David reminds us, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart" (Psalms 37:4). What a difference it makes when we include God in the equation.

2. Set realistic, achievable goals
. Rather than setting a goal of losing 25 lbs., set a goal to lose 2 lbs. a month. There is real power in small successes. Achieving a series of small goals gives you the confidence you need to take on bigger challenges. Jesus tells us that when we are faithful over few things, he will make us a master over many things (Matthew 25:14-30).

3. Find an accountability partner.
Through the years I have been on again, off again in keeping a workout schedule at the gym. There was one year however when I consistently made it to they gym 3 to 4 times every week. That was the year I had a workout partner. If I decided to sleep in, or skip my workout, I knew that Alan would hold me accountable. The same is true of the two years I spent in a men's study. There were 11 other men holding me accountable for my bible study, memory work and my Christian walk.

I pray that God blesses you in your efforts in 2008. Always remember that "HE is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think, according to the power at work within us" (Ephesians 3:20).

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