Monday, April 28, 2008

Neglected Topics

Over the past few months I have had the priviledge of conducting workshops in a variety of settings (churches, retreat centers, and Christian colleges). The topics have covered everything from church growth to singles ministry to mission work. On the surface these topics would not seem to have a common thread, but it turns out that they do. During the question and answer sessiosn, one common theme came up in all of these programs. "Why aren't the churches doing a better job addressing the social, moral and practical issues facing society today."

Now I have never been one to bash churches, or make blanket statements about the condition and state of the Lord's work. That is the beauty of church autonomy - there is the ability to minister to the unique needs of the local church and develop outreach tools for the community you serve. That being said, it is troubling that the same questions are popping up over and over.

* Why aren't we being more pro-active in addressing marriage problems?

* Why won't churches provide practical advice on dealing with sexuality issues?

* Why are so many of our efforts now inwardly focused?

The overwhelming number of questions dealt with a congregations ability to deal with the really difficult challenges of 21st century culture. There was plenty teaching from the pulpits on sexual sin, morality and raising children in an increasingly immoral culture, but the concern came over how to make application of the lessons.

No one would argue that pre-marital sex is sinful, or that pornography is a social and spiritual disease that is destroying homes and families all across our country, but as Christians, what can we do to make a difference. How can we assist young couples who are struggling with their finances, or provide support to those with addictive behaviors?

I don't know the answers to these questions. I would love to hear your comments on the most pressing "ministry needs" in our churches and how we can address them. You can post your comments here, or email me at