Tuesday, June 10, 2008


This week I found myself as part of an online discussion concerning homosexuality. As I read through the bulletin board postings, I became more and more troubled that everyone seemed to avoid the term "SIN" when describing same sex behavior. While I had a chance to speak my peace concerning the Bible's teaching on homosexuality, I realized we are combating a much greater enemy. There is a deafening mantra that advocates tolerance of anything and everything and wars against the idea of absolute truth.

In addressing my concerns I appealed to the Bible's express teachings (Romans 1) and the example's given (Sodom & Gomorrah) concerning homosexual behavior. The problem is that many on the discussion board had a different standard of authority. Here are a few examples:

* God wouldn't make people that way and then condemn them.
* God gave us a mind and free will and respects our right to use them.
* I believe in a higher power, but can't believe he (or it) would condemn someone.
* We are not supposed to stand in judgment on others.

The problem is simple - there is a lack of an absolute standard. Without an understanding of right and wrong; good and evil; we are destined to continue down a road of decreasing moral values. We allow a mother to take the life of an unborn infant and now we are rapidly moving towards same sex marriages, legalized prostitution and a host of social ills that will bring down our nation.

I am troubled when I hear our politicians and those of the world defending the moral malaise taking hold of our nation, but when our brothers and sisters in Christ defend the undefensible I really begin to worry.

I believe it was Edgar A. Guest who said, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." We are long over due fighting these more battles. In many cases we have surrendered before a shot is ever fired.